Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tools of the Trade

Every profession (not that I'm calling my hobby a profession) has certain tools and supplies that they just could not live without. Same thing goes for you crafty people out there!

The following are items I find myself using on a day-to-day basis while crafting away;

Glue Stick

Not that it needs to be this EXACT brand, but who can go wrong with Elmer's?! As with anything that I'm about to post, trial and error are the best means for finding a brand that works for you. The project I have used this the most for so far has been my Tissue Paper Bunting. (Stay tuned for a tutorial.) This project required nothing more than paper and a glue stick! Easy peasy, right?!

Double Sided Tape

9 times out of 10, I'll be using the permanent stuff. Unless of course you are affixing photos or something where you will be needing to peel off at a later time.

Fabric Scissors

It is extremely important to have at least 2 different types of scissors. One for fabric and fabric alone! This will insure they stay sharp so when you're trying to cut your ribbon, it's not fraying in all different directions. The second one for,

Paper Scissors

Or "All-purpose Scissors" as I like to call them. I'm awesome and use a Walmart brand that I picked up in the kid section. But no matter the brand, I use these puppies for EVERYTHING! I really need to break down and get an actual paper-cutter because my lines aren't the straightest in the world, but these will work for now! Lables, scrapbook paper, tape, you name it and I cut it. I've had my scissors for YEARS. However, I think it's time I need to upgrade to a pair of big girl scissors.

Paper Hole Punch

These come in such an array of shapes and sizes! If I were to own every single different kind, there would not be enough room in my house for anything else. The one I use quite frequently is the regular 'ol hole punch. I have two. 1/4" and one BIG 1.5" sucker. I'm always making labels and stickers with the larger one, while using the small one as something to lace ribbon through.

These are your very BASIC essentials, but trust me, they get me by. I will most definitely be adding more to the list as well as giving reviews for some of the non-freqently used tools I have.

What crafting tools can you NOT LIVE WITHOUT?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Welcome, welcome

I find myself window shopping (and quite a bit I might add) at random craft stores for random items and random projects.

I spy a chalkboard with coat hooks and think, "This would look perfect in my entry way!". As I turn the beauty over and find the price, that thought is instantly replaced by, "Pshaw! 35 dollars! I think not! Why, I can make this myself!".

And it's not just the wonderful chalkboard with coat hooks. It's the florescent blue cake stand for my cupcakes, or the colorful pinwheels for my lawn, or the bedazzled napkin holders for my table settings.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think I may have a problem.

And that problem is, I think I can make everything myself.

Each post from here on out will have my trials and tribulations of the multitude of projects that I believe I can tackle. I'll try my very best to inform you of the following:
a) Original concept
b) Tools and supplies
c) Cost breakdown
d) Time it takes
e) Whether it's easier and more economical to just buy instead of DIY

I leave you with the ability to post comments and suggestions. Suggestions mainly describing what I can do to make these projects easier and more cost effective!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Valentine's Day Downloads

True to form, why would I go to Hallmark and search for hours (Yes, seriously. Hours.) for the perfect Valentine's Day cards for all of my friends and family?! And spend good mulah on them to boot?! Heck no, I WON'T GO!

So, I came up with a couple of designs for you to print out and pass among your loved ones.

The cards are about an A2 size (4" x 5.5"), double sided (so you'll have to feed through printer twice) with envelopes to match! You know everyone loves a super cute envelope liner. Well, I just designed it on the envelope itself. All you need to do is print, cut, fold, glue and you are in some serious business :)

They are all available online at the following links; (BTW, if you don't feel comfortable downloading these, you can just opt to print them straight from the website.)

1.) Manly Card (Outside)
- You'll notice black lines boxing in the card. Make sure and cut just inside of those lines, fold in half and you'll have the perfect sized cards. This applies to the other cards I've uploaded below.

2.) Manly Card (Inside)

3.) Manly Envelope & Liner

4.) Girly Envelope & Liner

Make sure you grab a nice quality paper or cardstock from your nearest craft store.

I'd love to see some pics of someone's completed set :D

Happy Heart Day and ENJOY!